Sunday, January 21, 2018


A microphone is an example of a transducer, a device that changes information from one form to another means sound wave  into electrical signal.Microphones are used in many applications such as telephone , hearing etc for concert halls .
How is this Work?                                                                                                                               Sound information exists as patterns of air pressure; the microphone changes this information into electric signal.
Basically there are two type of microphone is uses.
1 Dynamic Microphone
2 Condenser Microphone

1.Dynamic Microphone

In the magneto-dynamic, commonly called dynamic, microphone, sound waves cause movement of a thin metallic diaphragm and an attached coil of wire. A magnet produces a magnetic field which surrounds the coil, and motion of the coil within this field causes current to flow. 

2.Condenser Microphone

In a condenser microphone, the diaphragm is mounted close to, but not touching, a rigid backplate (The plate may or may not have holes in it) . A battery is connected to both pieces of metal, which produces an electrical potential, or charge, between them.The amount of charge is determined by  the area of the diaphragm and backplate, and the distance between the two. This distance changes as the diaphragm moves in response to sound. When the distance changes, current flows in the wire as the battery maintains the correct charge. The amount of current is essentially proportioinal to the displacement of the diaphragm, and is so small that it must be electrically amplified before it leaves the microphone.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

About Mobile Charger

A battery charger is basically a DC power supply source. Here a transformer is used to step down the AC mains input voltage to the required level as per the rating of the transformer.
Working of Mobile Charger
  • A bridge rectifier configuration is used to rectify the low voltage AC into DC and is further smoothed by a high value electrolytic capacitor.
  • This DC is fed to an electronic circuit which regulates the voltage into a constant level and is applied to the battery under charge, where the energy is stored through an internal process of chemical reaction.
  • In automatic battery chargers a voltage sensor circuit is incorporated to sense the voltage of the battery under charge. The charger is automatically switched OFF when the battery voltage reaches the required optimum level.
    Circuit diagram

    1.Step Down AC voltage

    As we are converting 220V AC into a 5V DC, first we need a step-down transformer to reduce such high voltage to our required voltage.The voltage rating should be more than the required voltage. 

    2. Rectification

    Rectification is the process of removing the negative part of the Alternate Current (AC), hence producing the partial DC. This can be achieved by using 4 diodes. 

    3. Filtration

    The output after the Rectification is not a proper DC, it is oscillation output and has a very high ripple factor. We don’t need that pulsating output, for this we use Capacitor. Capacitor charge till the waveform goes to its peak and discharge into Load circuit when waveform goes low. So when output is going low, capacitor maintains the proper voltage supply into the Load circuit, hence creating the DC.

    4. Voltage Regulation

    A voltage regulator IC 7805 is used to provide a regulated 5v DC. Input voltage should be 2volts more than the rated output voltage for proper working of IC, means at least 7v is needed, although it can operate in input voltage range of 7-20V.

    Computer Mouse

    The mouse, sometimes called a pointer, is a hand-operated input device used to manipulate objects on a computer screen.
    The mouse was originally known as the X-Y Position Indicator for a Display System and was invented by Douglas Engelbart in 1963 while working at Xerox PARC.
                                                                                                                                                                       Working  of Optical mouse                                                                                                                                                     An optical mouse works by having a low resolution camera inside it which takes around 1500 to 6000 pictures per second of the surface beneath it, and by analyzing these images, it calculate the position, speed and movement of the mouse.                                                                                                              The mouse has a small, red light-emitting diode (LED) that bounces light off that surface onto a co (CMOS) sensor. The CMOS sensor sends each image to a digital signal processor (DSP) for analysis. The DSP, operating at 18 MIPS (million instructions per second), is able to detect patterns in the images and see how those patterns have moved since the previous image. Based on the change in patterns over a sequence of images, the DSP determines how far the mouse has moved and sends the corresponding coordinates to the computer. The computer moves the cursor on the screen based on the coordinates received from the mouse. This happens hundreds of times each second, making the cursor appear to move very smoothly.

    Sunday, March 19, 2017

    Basic electronic

    Electrical Circuit & Its elements 

    An electrical circuit is define such that "The perfect combination of the electrical elements (Active & Passive) to form a close loop is known as electrical circuit" 
    There are lots of arrangements possible between Active and Passive elements but for the easier form we consider all the electrical circuit in two parts. 
    1.Series Connection 
    In this type of connection all the electrical elements are connected in series such that "The current  flow through the different Passive elements (resistor, inductor, capacitor etc)  are same or constant." 
    2.Parallel Connection 
    This type of connection is define as "The voltage across all the Passive elements which are involve in circuit are same or constant". 
    Here we will discuss about the terms Active & Passive elements. 
    •"All the  Active elements are the source of energy ". ex- batteries, generator, etc.  It supplies the energy to all passive elements. 
    •" All the Passive elements have a characteristics to dissipate or store the energy ". ex- Resistors is a energy dissipating element & Inductor,Capacitor are energy storing elements. 
    In electrical the terms Unilateral & Bilateral are generally use so we know about these terms. 
    •" Unilateral are the electrical devices  which can conduct current in single direction if we reverse the direction of electric field then no current flow through device. ex- transistor, diode etc. 
    •Bilateral are the electrical elements which can conduct current in both directions without change it's magnitude. ex- resistors, inductor, capacitor etc. 
    Some useful points about electrical circuit. 
    •The flow of current in electrical circuit is possible by the flow of electrons. 
    •The direction of flow of current is just opposite to the direction of flow of electrons. 
    •All the electrical circuit follow the Krichoff's voltage law (KVL) and Krichoff's current law (KCL). 
    •According to KVL the algebraic  sum of all the voltages in a close loop circuit is zero.
    •And by the KCL rule the algebraic sum of all the currents at any junction of the circuit is zero.
    let current is i1,   i2, i3, i4, i5,...............................ik at the junction then from KCL
    i1 +i2 +i3+i4+i5.......... +ik =0

    Sunday, March 12, 2017

    Sounds Speaker

    Sounds speaker are an electronic device which is generally use to hear the song, voice etc lots of people use this.
    Generally a sound speaker contain following part.
    1 . Voice coil (Sound Transuder)
    3. Diaphragm

    Function :

    Sound speaker is a device which convert the electrical signal into sounds by the sound transuder. By which we are able to hear or understand the electrical signal into sounds by the sound transuder. 

    Sound Transuder :

    It is a part of speaker which convert the electrical signal into sounds. A transuder is a voice coil in which a wire wrapped on a metal rod and whole voice  coil setup is situated in a magnetic field (permanent magnet) the voice coil is attached to the diaphragm by which when a electrical signal are applied to the voice coil due to Faraday induction law voice coil are push the diaphragm as well as air present,  between the voice coil and diaphragm. 
    Due to continuous this process sounds wave generate on the diaphragm. 

    Diaphragm :

    It is a part of speaker on which sounds wave are generate. Generally a diaphragm is a semi rigid membrane which is attach to the voice coil in sound speaker. Sounds wave are generate on the diaphragm due to continuous push and pulling forces applied on it by air and voice coil.

    Monday, March 6, 2017

    Remote Control System

    About Remote Control 

    Hi friends In present time almost all the people familiar from remote it's use in many things like television, toy cars and etc. Here we discuss about remote control, its function and how is it work and many more. 


     Remote Control base on transmission system we know that all transmission possible by two two parts. 

    1:Transmitter (The part which transmit the signal) 
    2:Receiver (It receives the signal from transmitter) 


    Our Remote Control system behave as Transmitter and the other objects like television behave as receiver. 


    In Remote Control system mainly Infrared (IR) spectrum are use for transmit the signal
    some years ago ultrasonic tone are the use for transmit the signal. The signal are transmit in the form of pulse. For generate the (IR) of spectrum pulse a Light Emitter Diode of (LED)  are use in the front of the Remote. In case of Remote Control system each button has unique pluse code which is transmit through LED when we press any button of the Remote Control. These pluse code are receive by the receiver and respond for those pulse.
    These pulses are exchanging as messages within the computing system by the protocol.

    Protocol :

    Protocols are  use to exchange the message within the computing system as required for the different parts of the system. In other words it work  as interface within the computing system part. ex (RC-5) 

    Transmitter :

    The main function of the transmitter are transmit the signal there are different way of transmit the signals but generally the transmit signals (Those signals you want to transmit) are transmit through  the carrier wave by the modulation on carrier wave after the modulation signals are transmit. 

    Receiver :

    Receiver are use to receive the transmit signals by the demodulation (filtration of the transmit signals)  of the the transmit signals after the filtration of the the signals  receiver receive the desired signals and avoid the other. 

    Friday, February 24, 2017

    How to Make money through blogging

    Hi friends I'm Pawan
    Hello friends all of know that modern generations are day by day depending upon computer, Internet etc. So many of people think about how to we can make money through Internet.
    So don't worry friends here we introduce by by several ideas by which you can make money through Internet without any payment.

    By Blogger - >

    Yes, I know many of people familiar this, This is a mobile app in which you can make your own blog and many more. 
    So we come to our point how to we can make money through blogger?
    There are following points if you follow this then you can make money through Internet without any investment.
    If you are knowing to better writing a blog then you can make lots of  money through Internet without any investment.
    There are lots of sites who provide free services for user to write blogs. ex- WordPress. you Tumblr, Blogger etc.
    Here we discuss about Blogger by which we earn money by writing blogs.
    For using blogger you should have a Google account or Gmail account if you have not yet then created this on the visiting the site "" and click the button "create new account".
    •Now you visit the site "" and sign in by your Google account.
    Then after sign in you click the right menu button and click the option "New blog" then after fill your desire web address you want but sometimes the choosed web address is not available so don't worry you choose new one and submit them.
    •Now you have a blogger site and you can create your blogs.
    So now we discuss most important topic "how to earn money by our blogging"
    •For earn money through blogger you should have a blogging sites.
    •Then after creating your blogger site you should be attach your site to "Google Adsence".
    •For attaching your site to Google Adsence you go back to the site "" and sign in your account and click left menu button and then click the option "Earning" and then sign in "Google Adsence" and fill the form and submit them. Now your "Google Adsence" account are create as well as
     attached to your blog and after some hours or take some days to get a approval or disapproval email.
    •If you get a approval email by Google then now you are eligible to attach Google Ads on your blog otherwise not. 
    •Don't worry if your Google Adsence request is disapprove by Google then he will send you a disapprove email and mentioned that how your request disapproved with reason and then you should improve that's and then again apply for Google Adsence which link are given in your disapproving email provide by Google. 
    •Suppose you are approve by "Google Adsence" then for placing the Google ads on your blog first you visit the Google adsence site or download the mobile app "Adsense" and click the option my ads and click on the ads you want and copy its "html" code and paste this code on your blog and then after you see that ads are showing on your blogs. 
    WARNING ⚠ 
    We have to looked that many people are not get the APPROVAL by "Google Adsence" so for get approval you should apply for "Google Adsence" when you have at least 20 to 30 unique blogs that should not be a copy of other sites blog and use minimum to attach photos and videos to your blogs. 

    Monday, February 13, 2017

    Bullet Train

    Bullet Train Advantage - - >

    Hi friend I'm Pawan, we first started to introduce by the Bullet Train I hope many people are know about that train. 
    Bullet Train first start running in 1964 in Japan it have a lot of features to comparison other trains. 

    1. High speed - - >

    It is a main feature of the train, Bullet Train have a speed upto 320 km/hrs which is understood that is very high speed to comparison other trains so it is best option to choose Bullet Train is is first choice of lot of people to complete it's journey. 

    2.Pollution Less - - >

    We know that in present time all the country have a major problem of the pollution. There are many reasons to pollute its environment in which trains or other vehicles fumes are major contributions to pollute its environment. 
    Basically the Bullet Train are based on the electricity so no harm fumes produces through the train, so it is pollution less than other trains. 

    2.Economic growth - - >

    Yes friends, for the any country development best transporting system is one of the important factors to help growing its economy Bullet Train are cheap than the other transporting system like Aeroplane etc so many of people avoid that and choose Bullet train for its journey. 
    By which the the motor vehicle or Aeroplane are less use so the requirements of oil will also be reduce, so we can say that its really help to grow your country economy. 

    4.Safe & Comfortable - - >

    We know that Bullet Train are based on the modern technology that made to consider that it is safer  than other vehicles or Aeroplanes & it also is comfortable to comparison other trains. 
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